Susan and Gary Lind-Sinanian
Armenian Dance Workshop
Saturday, June 6, 2020
First Workshop: 2:00pm EDT
Second Workshop: 3:00pm EDT
Online via Zoom on your nearest web browser or device!
Purchase the music and dance directions at our Music Shop.
→Download a list of the dances.
About the Workshop
Join Armenian dance specialists and researchers Susan and Gary Lind-Sinanian and the Folk Arts Center as we present our next workshop of the socially distanced era via Zoom, the popular teleconferencing platform.
About Susan and Gary
Gary and Susan Lind-Sinanian have lectured and taught Armenian dances in America and internationally since 1978 and are known as “high context” teachers. Their workshops incorporate extensive background in Armenian history, culture, costume, and folklore related to the dances. As museum curators of the largest Armenian museum in the United States, they bring a broad background in many areas of Armenian culture to their workshops. They are particularly well known in the Armenian community for teaching dance and culture to youth and small children at Armenian schools, camps, and cultural festivals.