September 24, 2020
Estonian Craft Experience
with Kathryn Black
7 - 8:30pm EDT
online via Zoom
Buy access to this presentation in the SOFA section of the FAC Music Shop.
About the Presentation
The Baltic country of Estonia has a long history and many interesting handcrafts, and is deeply committed to keeping those traditions alive. The University of Tartu sponsors an annual craft camp under the auspices of the Viljandi Culture Academy. In 2016, Kathryn Black attended this Craft Camp and had a tremendous time! She will be sharing photos and stories from her week there.
The department of Estonian Native Crafts directs the camp, which offers one- and two-day classes in things like Muhu Island Knitting (Estonia is a hotbed of knitting), Tablet Weaving, Bronze Spirals (Kathryn says, No, I didn't know what this was either but it's really interesting!), Crocheted Edging (multi-colored!), Horn Carving, Pottery and Silverwork. See https://www.kultuur.ut.ee/en/craft-camp for current information on the camp.
About Kathryn
Kathryn Black has been folk dancing and crocheting for more than 50 years. She also does card weaving, Ukrainian-style embroidery, and fancy braiding. She is a retired chemical engineer, a 40 year veteran of maintenance and operation at Pennsylvania Trolley Museum, and a professional genealogist.